Charles Ho / Managing Partner


John Maxwell Team & Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach ,Trainer, Speaker

Certified Human Behavior Consultant

A seasoned multifaceted hands-on serial entrepreneur experienced in information technology systems, automotive cleaning, food & beverage service, real estate investing, asset & property management, small business ownership & management, and civic leadership with multiple disciplines in business research, start-ups, negotiations, acquisitions, financing, investor relations, administration, technical, operations, competitive intelligence, and sales & marketing.

Mechanically inclined quick learner. Decisive problem solver with innovative solutions. Ability to consult, mentor, and transfer knowledge & experiences to willing pupils of all ages. Active volunteering & civic involvement.

Born in Taiwan. Started working at age eight for the family business as a courier and delivering newspapers. Migrated to U.S. at age 14 for education toward better opportunities and learned English as a second language. Currently volunteering with Boy Scouts of America in various capacities after sons joined Scouting in 2008. Volunteered with Plano Housing Authority to better, willing & deserving HUD Section 8 voucher recipient families through mentoring, education, resources, and opportunities.

Ziglar Legacy Certified coach, speaker, and trainer promoting Zig Ziglar's philosophy, truth, and hope. John Maxwell Team trainer promoting leadership philosophies. Certified Human Behavior Consultant helping individuals and families understand personality dynamics that affect decisions and relationships.

Lifestyles Unlimited Preferred Investor Group member since February 2011. Completed four single-family acquisitions, two dispositions, and flipped one to another investor. One single-family rental is remaining. Invested in eleven multifamily projects as a Key Principal, guarantor, and/or passive investor. Completed six multifamily projects as a lead investor. Served as Lifestyles Unlimited North Texas Multifamily Mentor from January 2017 to December 2019, educating, advising, mentoring, and coaching preferred investor group members in multifamily investing, acquisitions, and operations.

Betty Li / Managing Partner


John Maxwell Team & Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach ,Trainer, Speaker

Trained Computer Scientist with strong Computer Programming skills. Gardening enthusiast. Small business ownership and Management. Family Oriented. Speed Reader. Dream Promoter.

Motivated self-starter. Quick to solve complex problems. Accomplished motivator and mentor. Effectively conveying education strategies throughout the company.

Born in Taiwan, Betty moved to the US to pursue better life opportunities. She graduated from UCSB University in Santa Barbara, is currently active in leadership within her church community. Promotes strong growth opportunities to current employees.

Ziglar Legacy Certified Coach and Trainer promoting the Zig Ziglar philosophy, truth, and hope. John Maxwell Team trainer promoting leadership philosophies.